In almost a year the EGMO 2020 will take place in the Netherlands. Now already more than 30 volunteers are involved in the organisation. These people are divided over more than 10 committees. Who are they? And what parts of the EGMO do they organise? We will introduce all the committees to you one by one.
Let us start with our own committee: communication and PR. One of our tasks is to keep you up to date via our website and social media. You have probably seen some of our work already: the posts about female mathematicians. In this project we will tell you about the life and work of female mathematicians, both historical and current. We hope you will enjoy these stories!
More of our work that you have probably seen already is our logo. We are responsible for the design of almost everything: the logo, the flyers, the shirts, the program booklets, medals, etc. We will make sure that our logo appears everywhere!
Lastly, during the EGMO 2020 we will write a daily news. This will contain all important information about what is happening at EGMO 2020. So you will most likely encounter us at the EGMO, asking ‘how was your day?’, or taking a picture.
Okay, that is what we do. But who are we?
“Hi, I am Marieke. I am a PhD-student at Utrecht University, I work on graph theory. I participated in the first EGMO in 2012, which I enjoyed a lot. The olympiad showed me how much fun mathematics is and this motivated me to study math. In 2016 I helped to organise the Benelux Mathematical Olympiad, and now I do the same for EGMO 2020. I hope the participants of EGMO 2020 will enjoy their experience as much as I did!”
“Hi, I’m Heleen. I work for the Dutch Association of Teachers in Mathematics and I enjoy my job a lot. I was asked to join the communication and PR committee and I didn’t have to think twice about this. It’s great to work with Marieke and Mireia. I’m really proud of the project we do on women in mathematics, so I hope you all enjoy reading the stories.”
“And lastly, this is Mireia. I am a student of the Mathematical Sciences master at Utrecht University, and I am specialising in logic and history of mathematics. The EGMO 2020 is the first mathematical olympiad I will ever be part of, since I didn’t know about these kinds of activities back when I was in high school in Spain. I am enjoying the experience a lot so far. I am looking forward for the event itself and seeing all participants, it will surely be an awesome time!”